Thursday, May 25, 2006


Don’t waste another minute. That is advice worth living by. In this world there arte so many things required of you that are arbitrary and unnecessary and there are just as many dumb things we do because we just want to. How many moments are wasted doing things that in 5 minutes wont matter. If I am not going to be an engineer why do I need geometry, I don’t think I will need to classify the shapes of columns I have written. The fact is that the 16 hours I have spent in drivers ed to get half way done are completely useless, I passed the practice test on my first day. The government requires me to pay money to take a class that wastes my time and money. In general just letting other people tell you what you need to do is a toilet for your time. And lets face it half of the stuff we call fun is useless garbage that will not help us in the future. For example on a day where I stay home after school I am restless and don’t do anything but if I go jogging or simply go out and play with my soccer ball for half an hour I can focus and I feel I have done something constructive, basically doing nothing is easier at first but in the long run is harder than doing something. But at the same time doing something you don’t need to is worse than doing nothing at times, for example when I do home work in geometry my test grades and general understanding go down. But when I don’t do home work my actual comprehension and test grades go up. Mr. Hervey can tell you that my track record for worksheets is about 10% but at the same time I have gotten an A on every test, so my grade is still an A. Basically spend your time doing what helps you and don’t waste it.


Blogger Ben said...

Well, if you didn't view everything that is absolutely necessary as a waste, then a large portion of everyones life is a waste. I'll pass on the cyborg-esque lifestyle thank you very much.

12:08 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

And about the driving school thing, the reason why the government makes you spend money is for one, they get more money from it, and two, noteveryone seems to have such a vast amount of driving knowledge as you. I wouldn't want kids who have never been behind the wheel of a car before to just hit the peddle with no experience or training. I think I wouldmuch rpefer them take the course. Besides, the government mandating such classes creates jobs, and if you're opposed to inflations in our economy then you can go directly to hell sir!

8:52 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Driving classes help prevent crappy drivers. And there are a lot of parents out there who don't care.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I think that the governments job is to see to the safety of its people. And since car accidents are the leading cause of American deaths, taking a step like requiring training for heavy machinery that can easily kill should be mandated. Classes like they have now provide basic safety skills to new drivers without making it too ridiculously time consuming for citizens, while providing safety at the same time.

12:40 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Its a law protecting people form other people. People dont go around swinging knives all day because they have to, nor do they throw around hot food. Driving however is almost a daily necessity, and I like the idea that the government passed a law so some kid cant get behind the wheel of a car without any training and kill me and my family on our way to dinner. Could you imagine the increase of fatalities iif there was no required training to drive a several thousand pound machine? They would be through the roof, burning YOURSELF with hot food only hamrs yourself, but you without training behind the wheel of a vehicle kills others.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

No one intends to commit manslauter, its an accidental crime. So that doesn't stop him from getting behind the wheel of a car. No one ever thinks when they get into a car "Hmm, I hope I don't commit manslaughter today!." And btw, we've had the driving school law for quite a few years now, and look how out of hand its gotten!

9:30 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Of course they everyone realizes that if they hit someone with a car there is going to be consequences, you don't have to be rational to see that, you just have to not be stupid. That still has nothing to do with requiring training for vehicles, the best way to prevent an accident is by training people, not by telling them that there are going to be consequences if they get it wrong.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I never said that having short period classes and an even shorter test was not a loss of freedom. However, the loss of freedom in this case seems trivial, the ratio of safety given totally outweighs freedom lost, and as I stated earlier, there has been no more freedom lost over this subject. We have had this law for many years, and because of it, millions of people are still alive, while another bunch had to take some classes. I doubt the next Nazi regime will spring out of driving classes. (Although I thought my teacher was a Nazi for the first day...seriously)

9:46 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

I never said that having short period classes and an even shorter test was not a loss of freedom. However, the loss of freedom in this case seems trivial, the ratio of safety given totally outweighs freedom lost, and as I stated earlier, there has been no more freedom lost over this subject. We have had this law for many years, and because of it, millions of people are still alive, while another bunch had to take some classes. I doubt the next Nazi regime will spring out of driving classes. (Although I thought my teacher was a Nazi for the first day...seriously)

9:46 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Yeah, but its still different from any other case you can possibly put against it. Of course everything is a slippery slope, but mandatory driving class is different from everything else in many ways. Point is, I would much rather have some kid be forced to take driving classes because he's too stupid to take them himself, therefore he drives his car straight into mine killing me. Cause lets face it, kids are stupid.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Clearly it does.

4:14 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I was saying that from a viewpoint of the way things are, the dreamworld where everyone is responsible for their own actions does not, and will not ever exist.

11:26 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Actually it does matter, because the government is going to deal with things the way they are now, even if some teenager from Simi Valley thinks differently. Unfortunately the government doesn't need your permission to do many things.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Yeah it is good practice and fun. And B you are miserably failing at.

11:27 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I've read it...

4:24 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Have too...

5:33 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Fine...fine...have too...

3:07 PM  

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