Monday, August 07, 2006

Something inflammatory this way comes

It is time for a rant about the almighty fallacy which is the misinterpreting of the Bible to make it seem more in line with our own human nature. If you know me you know my view, the Bible is infallible period end of discussion. However the fact that it is infallible annoys some people because they feel that their God wouldn’t do this or that. There is something that must be said before I continue, I in no way hold a grudge against anyone for their beliefs as different and varied as they may be; agnostics, objectivists, atheists, and Muslims no grudges or hate towards these parties coming from myself. However as I say I do not dislike these parties it is necessary for the consistency of my own being that I say, in no fancy or passive aggressive manner that these individuals as great as they may be in this world are not saved. I have spent fore time than I would care to count trying to find a loophole for such individuals simply because I have friends from many of these categories and as such would not like to see them damned, however no such loophole exists any place in the Bible that I can find. I am aware of the fact that some say that man is incapable of truly interpreting all of the Bible correctly but this is yet another attempt put forward by those unwilling to take a stand to ease their human nature. If any part of what I have said seems unfair or incorrect check some of my older articles and discussions linked to them, these are hard theological facts that I have come to grips with. If anything has not been addressed I deeply hope that the reader will leave a comment for me.